Spokane Chronicle from Spokane, Washington (2024)

885 to Receive Idaho Degrees in June Rite Tribe Studies Health Health problems on the Colville Indian reservation topped the agenda during a recent meeting of representatives of the Colville tribe with officials of the public health service's Indian health program in Washington, D. C. Shown from left to right are Ed Gorr, Frank George, Barney Rickard, John B. Cleveland and Dr. Huston K.

Spangler, assistant chief of division of Indian health. Study Here Shows Schools Give Talented Child Break This is the first of three stories on the gifted children program in the Spokane public schools. By ROWLAND BOND How to identify the bright child and how to fulfill his potential seems to be a matter intense concern to parents, educators and even the fedgovernment. A survey of Spokane schools shows gifted and exceptional children here are being exposed to opportunities that may place the program among the most advanced in the country. Superintendent William C.

Sorenson said Spokane's school administrative staff approached the problem with the basic premise a public school is a place where all levels of human ability should be given opportunity to improve and expand. While educators in many parts the country have been caught in attempts to set up tests fix intelligence quotients, to identify and separate the exceptional child from his fellows of lesser apparent ability, the schools here have been trying to organize a plan that will help the gifted go as far as his talents permit. At the same time, Leila Lavin, assistant superintendent, and Marjorie Pratt, director of elementary education, have tried steer into channels that will give sufficient depth for the talented still not flood over the head the average child. Standards Vary The solution arrived at here does not involve complicated classifying procedures nor does Death Claims Alva Swatman COLFAX, May L. Swatman, 49, a farm worker in the Lacrosse district, died last night at St.

Ignatius' hospital where he had been a patient since Tuesday. He was born at Potlatch, Idaho. Survivors include his widow. The body is at Bruning's. Wendy Smith COLFAX, May services will be held at 10:30 a.

m. tomorrow morning in Bruning's chapel for Wendy Virginia Smith, 3-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oral Smith, Garfield. She died Tuesday in a Spokane hospital.

Interment will be at Steptoe. it set a fixed minimum of complishment. In Cleveland, Ohio, a child is rated if, after a series of tests, he has an intelligence quotient of 125. In San Diego a score of 148 or higher is the fixed standard. Here, the administration decided to keep the program as broad as possible.

So, as a first step, using "gifted" or 'exceptional" in identifying chilwas rejected. were convinced that the program should work, as far as possible, without actual or implied segregation, without Moistened Air Covers Region The sound of showers again was a common one around Spokane today. A drying failed to develop and the steady flow of soggy air currents kept the weather dreary and cool. In fact, a meteorologist at the Remember? Midsummer came to Spokane in all but name a year ago today with a high of 89 and overnight low of only to 60. There was sunshine in plenty throughout the day.

said. The mercury probably will edge into the low 60s tomorrow, he said. weather station at Geiger field said, atmospheric conditions appeared more unstable than ever today. The results could be some thundershowers late this afternoon, Richard C. Wise said.

Meanwhile, he said, May already has more than doubled its normal precipitation output and the month still has 10 days to go. The yield during the last 24 hours was .13 of an inch. The figure for the month stands at 2.12 inches as compared with a norm of 1.04 inches. Spokane's highest official temperature yesterday was 56, Wise Picnic Planned COLTON, May The annual Colton pioneer picnic will be held here Sunday, with former Colton residents from several western expected to attend. Registration and the noon potluck luncheon in fraternity hall will be followed by a short business meeting.

The remainder of the afternoon will be devoted to visiting. about individual differences." Sorenson said. "We are not trying to imply that a program of this kind can be operated without differentiation, but it should be within the group rather than among individuals in the classroom." To get away from the possibility of shutting the "gifted" child in a psychological pen by himself the plural classification "rapid learners" was given to youngsters above the second grade who showed the need for greater learning opportunities than the regular curriculum could provide. Teachers Earn Master Degrees Master of Education Lewiston, Roger W. Adams, Martin P.

Conmy, Donald E. White and Monte G. Worle. Moscow, Ruth Mozo Ball, Mary Blodgett Bottier, Mildred Christian, Virginia Mansfield Cummings, Edwin S. Harrison, Raymond J.

Hegg and Gary E. Bell, Kenworthy. Everett Coeur d'Alene, Richard L. Besola and Neil E. Carnie.

Emmett, William M. Bremmer. Boise, Joe A. Caldwell and James 0. Coleman.

Potlatch, Summer B. CarPreston, Moire Clayne Charters. Wendell, Wayne B. fa*gg. Kellogg, RayD.

Faraca. Idaho Falls, Douglas Farrow, Lewis J. Gourley and Gerald W. Jorgensen. Nezperce, Richard W.

Fike. Grangeville, Clayton C. Hampel and Sidney Hutchison W. and Miller. James Wallace, L.

Frank W. Trowbridge. Sandpoint, Patrick D. Kaufman. Payette, Sherman D.

Kirk. Fruitland, LarLooney. St. Maries, Vernon L. Lowry.

Kuna, Leslie J. Matthews Jr. Mountain Home, Donnelly E. O'Neill. Nampa, Morgan Plant.

Rigby, Dorothy May Purser. Kooskia, Roger A. Ranta. Grace, Rex S. Roper.

Buhl, James W. Todd. Harrison, Lorine Bowers Wilkinson. Westfir, James E. Atchison.

Pueblo, Jacki Lee Bryan and Margaret E. Bryan. Livingston, Clarke C. Coover. Harlowton, Ronald G.

Dunn. Oxnard, Mildred J. Green. Salt Lake City, Utah, Richard 0. Hansen.

Bakersfield, Donald F. Harrison. Clarkston, Carroll R. Johnson and David L. Lange.

Bismarck, N. James A. Lipp. Camas, Cecil A. Olsen.

Elgin, E. Park, Reno, Richard B. Roche. Walla Walla, Ramon R. Cooledge, Alfred E.

Starns. Martinez, Thomas 0. Webb. Bay City, Jane Ackerman Wyllie. Master of Science in Music Education Twin Falls, Richard G.

Mansfield. Kendrick, Elmer W. Stitzlein Jr. North Platte, George L. Mowry.

Camas, Nona F. Olsen. Seattle, Robert S. Staley. Master of Business Education Idaho Falls, Raymond W.

Heley, Carlsbad, N. G. C. Thompson. CANDIDATES FOR PROFESSIONAL DEGREES Civil Engineer Ogden, Utah, Arval L.

Anderson. Salt Lake City, Utah, William V. Iorns. Wives Rite UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO, MOSCOW, May officials announced today that 112 women will receive Ph.T degrees, during commencement June 7. Ph.T degree? It stands for "putting husband through," of course.

The degree will be tucked into the same diploma folder that will be given to married male graduates. Grateful husbands will replace university officials and will confer the honor on their wives. Brief City News Records HIT AND RUN driver mowed down 10 mailboxes at the southwest corner of Broad and Rebecca, Kendrick S. Waterman, E3628 Broad, told police yesterday. SPRING Cleaning special; cleaning applicator, reg.

$9.95, NOW $6.95. Inland Hardware, E1802 ANNUAL dinner meeting of the Spokane chapter of Credit Unions will tonight at 6:30 at the Coeur d'Alene hotel. be, FREE PICK-UP delivery! On Vacuum cleaner repair. Stark's, TE 8-2755. W924 Riv.

Ad. TWO FISHING rods, two reels, two creels and two parkas were stolen from his car parked downtown, John M. Fountain, W317 Trent, reported to police yesterday. The Weather (By United States Weather Bureau) Sunset tonight, 7:27 p. sunrise morrow, 4:03 m1.

Moon sets tomorrow, 2:38 rises, 4:09 and p. m. warmer. cloudy a bite Eastern Washington and northern Idaho- Partly cloudy tonight, mostly fair and a bit warmer tomorrow. Expected low tonight, 35 to 45; high tomorrow, 64 to 74.

Montana, Partly west of the with showers. continental Ex- divide- cloudy pected low tonight, 30 to 40; high tomorrow, Highest 55 to 65. temperature during last 24 hours, lowest temperature last last night, and rain or melted snow during hours, ending at 4:30 a. Pr. Pr.

Spokane- Havre 60 39 .00 GeigerF 56 45 .13 Helena 57 30 .00 Dwntwn 57 47 .13 Kansas 90 66 .06 Anchorag Albuqurqu 55 70 37 50 .00 .00 Lewiston Angeles 66 75 60 50 .00 Atlanta 79 65 .04 Miami 82 12 Burns 61 43 .00 Minneplis 65 50 .53 Billings 44 38 .03 Missoula 58 41 .05 Boise 66 38 .00 Orleans 85 72 25 Boston 89 65 .00 New York 86 69 .00 Buffalo 87 70 .00 Pendleton 66 48 Chicago 77 58 1.09 Portland 68 51 .00 Colville 61 47 .12 SFrancisc 70 54 .00 Denver 52 37 .40 Seattle 65 50 .00 Ellnsburg 63 46 .00 St. Louis 81 69 .04 Ephrata 65 53 .00 Tucson 86 53 .00 Grangvill Fairbanks 57 58 34 41 .00 Walla Wash.D.C. 67 86 50 70 .00 T-Trace, UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO, MOSCOW, May total of 885 students are candidates for degrees at the university's 64th commencement exercises to be held in the Memorial E. gymnasium Sunday, June 7. They include: COLLEGE OF LETTERS AND Bachelor of Acts Nampa, Darrell F.

Adams, Marybel E. Lill and James D. Mercer. Montpeller, Paul W. Baker.

Rigby, Harold 0. Bates. Potlatch, Mary Ellen Bennett. Coeur d'Alene, John F. Blair, Charles M.

Douglass Jr. Craig C. Kosonen and Hallie Ann Miller. Pocatello, Curtis R. Bohischeid.

Rexburg, Reed Bradbury. Bowen. Headquarters, Marjie M. Emmett, James E. Burt.

Orofino, Alice May Clarke. Moscow, William B. Colvin, Harold L. Davis, William F. Roy, William A.

Stellmon, Rolland L. Watenpaugh, Merrell L. Watts, Dixie Kroush and Kristen Bengston White. Juliaetta, Clifford J. Cook.

L. Lewiston, Fray, G. Joan Ferris Deal, Richard James J. O'Connell, Bradford C. O'Connor, John A.

Rosholt, Ella Gaye Springer, Dale L. Williams and Roger L. Williams. Weiser, Jay N. Eacker and Fred D.

Sharp. Boise, Carolyn Edwards, James R. Golden, M. Hoobing, Ann M. Scott, Gerald L.

Weston and Barbara Barry Yount. Blackfoot, Joan M. Fisher. Harrison, William Gaboury, Arco, Janice M. Gordon.

Nezperce, Donald M. Harris. Mackay, Carl R. Hintze. Payette, Lana P.

Hoch. Mountain Home, Richard D. Hughes and Kay Russell Owen. Caldwell, Alvie M. Johnson.

St. Maries, Harold E. Johnson, John C. Kerrick and Paul D. McCabe.

Twin Falls, Irene D. Kail, CaroLyn B. Lunstrum and Charles H. Powers. Kamiah, Robin N.

Merrell. American Falls, Frederick L. Ringe. Mullan, James Terrill. Jerome, Marie Van Orman.

Smelterville, Donald D. Welton. Harrisonville, Paul L. Barnes. India, Sulakhan Singh Dhillon.

Oklahoma City, George M. Fowler, Calgary, Douglas A. Fraser. Fort Worth, Texas, Mollie J. Godbold.

Clackamas, Kay E. Haberlach. San Gabriel, Patricia A. Nasmyth. Mount Pleasant, David Randolph.

Seattle, David R. Santa Monica, Carol J. Port Orford, Edward D. VanThiel. Chicago, C.

Whitney Jr. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Bliss, Doyle W. Allen. Moscow, Louretta F. Alley, Jerrald E.

Giles, Thomas N. L. Jones, Malcolm D. Neely, Kathryn P. Rogalski, Peter Phyllis McAlexander Shep- Peter O'Connor, H.

Ostrander, pard, Dale E. Tritten, Roger L. Lewiston, Tyson and Eugene George W. Arnone, Woodbury Richard Jr. N.

Loeppky and Ladaun D. Olin. Boise, W. Charles E. Bend, Bruce R.

Cairns, Donald Chambers, John A. Dodds and Nick T. Karagianes. Priest River, Dora M. BretthauStar, Clarence E.

Chrisp. Spirit Lake, Carl D. Corbit. Wallace, Helen L. Farmin, Rigby, William R.

Gavin. Twin Falls, William E. Hahn, Clyde H. Sheppard and Hallstrom. Royce A.

Wise. Sandpoint, Rexburg, Karen Hayden. Cottonwood, Leslie E. Huntley, Kellogg, Patricia Anne Iverson. Dubois, Edward W.

Laird Jr. Idaho Falls, Beverly Lord. Coeur d'Alene, Donald S. May. Gifford, Charlotte Ruckman; Salmon, James H.

Shaw. Menan, Dean E. Shippen. Hope, Claude D. Smith.

Blackfoot, Delores V. Thorpe. Calgary, Alberta, lain J. W. Baxter and Eddie Miller.

Racine, John W. Ciboci. Detroit Lakes, Carole Lee Clark. Livingston, N. Leonard P.

Miller. Lyons, Larry D. Nelsen. Missoula, Suzanne Roffler. San Diego, Douglas D.

Rushfeldt. Jackson, L. Wilson Slocum. Spokane, Richard C. Sorenson.

Hilo, Hawaii, George K. Watanabe. Bachelor of Science in Premedical Studies Idaho Falls, John H. McDonald Jr. Wendell, Walter R.

Petersen. Gooding, Janice Willms. Bachelor of Science in Home Economics Murtaugh, Doris Riggs Baker, Lawton Moscow, Patricia Casey, Patricia Koster, Lois Lundquist and Jane Perry Simmons. Castleford, Diana Conrad. Sandpoint, Elizabeth Curtis and Charlotte Moon Darling.

Orofino, Sylvia Stoddard. Payette, Gissel. Genesee, Mary Morken Hanson. Sagle, Lynnette Hawkins. Osburn, Clara Lory.

Boise, Beverly Rasor McDonald and Kathryn Smith. Rexburg, Mary Nelson. Emmett, Freida Wilson. Troy, Carma Nilson. Donnelly, Lucy Roberts Pline.

Terreton, Sharon Shuldberg. Twin Falls, Janemarie Smith. Rupert, Cecelia Sullivan. Arco, Frances Brown Thompson. Kellogg, Jean Iverson Vasioff.

Lewiston, Marene Zajane. Bonners Ferry, Kathryn Zenier. Calgary, Alberta. Anne Copithorne Campbell. Walla Walla, Eleanor Whitney Fowler.

Spokane, Joan Prather. Riddle, Dorothy Sowa. Bachelor of Science in Prenursing Parma, Helen Corbett. Moscow, Catherine Cannon Marboe. B.

R. Bachelor of Music Moscow, John F. Baker. Sterling, William L. Herr.

Filer, Don L. Royster, Bachelor of Architecture Moscow, Duane E. Gowland. Caldwell, William G. Irving.

Lewiston, William L. Kim-Yong. Payette, James E. Shearer Jr. Nampa, Athel B.

York Jr. Ithaca, N. James B. Mann, COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE Bachelor of Science in Agriculture Samuels, William D. Albertson.

Idaho Falls, Joe W. Aldana, Keith L. Contor and Elwood W. Kintner. Hansen, Clark E.

Bedow and Denny V. Naylor. Payette, James D. Bivens. Bonners Ferry, Albert L.

Brackebusch and James E. Wommack. Carey, William G. Carlson. Coeur d' Alene, George M.

Carnie. Kendrick, Cecil G. Chamberlain. Moscow, Herman C. Clemans, William A.

Gardner, Jerry W. Knapp, Richard A. Koster and David V. Youmans. Grangeville, Mark M.

Cole and Douglas N. Klein. Rupert, Marion F. Fisk, Robert Jones and Richard L. Kerbs.

Blanchard, pur, Malaya, A. Chong C. Lorenz. Ho. Adel, Kelowna, Ga.r A.

Zelma L. Taylor Jr. E. Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Engineering New Meadows, Lawrence V. Armacost, Lewiston, Oliver B.

Bacus. Ferdinand, Hilary Bieker. Meridian, Elwin A. Ross. Homedale, Leroy Scherer.

Priest River, Dale R. Smelcer, Wallace, C. Sparks. Lompoc, Joseph Cass, Jackson, Robert B. Ellaworth.

Ontario, Delbert W. Fitzsimmons. COLLEGE OF LAW Bachelor of Arts Moscow, John F. Brady, Allen Derr, Donald E. Downen, Andrew H.

Harrington Vern E. HerzoR Jr. Howard D. Humphrey and Robert Williams. Meridian, Alonzo F.

Davis. A. Idaho Falls, John D. Hansen and J. L.

Webb. Spirit Lake, Everett D. meister Jr. Mountain Home, Robert M. Rowett.

Burley, Peter G. Snow. Boise, Leon R. Weeks. Crosby, D.

John W. Barrett. Erie County, Robert Huntley Jr. Endicott, Gilbert Kleweno. COLLEGE OF MINES Bachelor of Science in Mining Engineering Moscow, Richard Gott and David Mickie Jr.

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN METALLURGICAL ENGINEERING Monte B. Shirts. Nampa, Joe F. Van W. Lawton, Halley, bold.

Epps. Wyckoff, N. Vincent T. ArchSpokane, Carl H. Hogberg.

Bachelor of Science, in Geological Engineering Wilder, Kenneth D. Axtell. Moscow, Walter David G. Mickle Jr. Kalispell, E.

Nelson. Amityville, N. Charles R. H. Johnson, Dixon, Ernest Rau.

Bachelor of Science in Geology Kootenai, George D. Agar. Caldwell, Robert E. Crosby, Hope, Arthur C. Croy.

Frank Grangeville, John 0. Landreth. Shoshone, A. Oneida, Shelley, Roger C. Stoker.

Hayden Lake, Robert G. Walker. Shoshone, Austin L. Young. Brooklyn, N.

Henry T. Hall. Pacific Grove, Frank P. Heinsohn. Centralia, Homer L.

McEvers. Pasadena, Robert W. Nusbaum. Punjab, India, Malkiat S. Smagh.

Bachelor of Science in Geography Kent, Ohio, Dale J. Ludick. COLLEGE OF FORESTRY Bachelor of Science in Forestry Kootenai, Cecil L. Aldrich. Sweet, Artell J.

Amos. Boise, Robert T. Coats. Joe L. Frazier, Jon E.

Soderblom and Harry A. Teilmann. Moscow, Glenn L. Crouch, Eugene E. Farmer, Robert M.

Ferguson, Orville B. McArthur, Warren B. Olney, Robert E. Pizel and Thomas L. Weish.

Twin Falls, Theodore E. Dingman. Council, Ralph A. Finn. Pocatello, Earl Fishburn, Darrol L.

Harrison, Richard T. Rice and Arthur E. Stauber. Potlatch, Gerald R. Shoshone, Flanik.

Alameda, William R. Haight. Floyd H. Hall. Filer, Kenneth E.

Harrison. Payette, James R. Howland. MeCall, Rex S. Johnson.

Bliss, Ted E. Leach. Caldwell, Jerry L. Mallet. Mackay, Ned N.

Pence. Rigby, Reed E. Ragan. Weiser, Kenneth E. Solt.

Briarcliff Manor, N. John A. Bethke. Burbank, Richard A. Bruckner Jr.

Valley City, N. David S. Bruha. Sonoma, Stanley B. Carpenter.

Spokane, Ryder W. Chronic and Raymond R. Emerson. Alma, N. Durwood F.

Coats. Schenectady, N. Ernest B. Collard. Salt Lake City, Utah, Sterling P.

Davis. Glendale, Dan L. Dews. W. Collingswood, N.

Henry J. Gerke IlL. Redding, John D. Hunt. Missoula, Carl C.

Jacobs. Yucaipa, Homer P. Leach. Oslo, Norway, Jens M. Lund.

Warroad, James W. Parker. Altadena, Thomas L. Reveley. Kennewick, LaRalle R.

Smith. La Crosse, Raphael J. Steinhoff. Weston, Stanley W. Stroup.

Lancaster, Denton R. Vander Poel. Emmaus, Leonard A. Volland. Townsend, Hal A.

Watson. House Springs, Mo. Warren G. Weinel. Trail, B.

Barry L. T. Westhaver. COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Bachelor of Science in Education Lapwai, Mildred Barden Allen. Lewiston, Carol Harvey Anderson, Janet Gabbert Corwin, Ross R.

Cotroneo, Jeanne M. Crane, Donna M. Gale, Gladys D. Hansen, Ruth Giese Jones, Vonda L. Jones, Kay C.

Kalbfleisch, James A. Kohl, David R. Laird, Harry D. McAllister, Jr. Carroll Brown Marchant, Patricia Parke Foster, Melvin R.

Ruark, Dawn M. Shipley, Nancy A. Woods and Delores A. York. Pocatello, Dixie Young Anderson.

Idaho Falls, Rona L. Backstrom and Ann Holden. Moscow, Dorothy Dene Bauer, Esther Prins Burgess, George W. Dowling, Gerald M. Estes, Marifrances Geisendorfer Field, Norman F.

Geertsen, Chester D. Hall, Alvin T. Holderman, Carole J. Howerton, Mary Madsen Johnson, Sherman D. Kirk, George F.

Linard, Geraldine Brewster McMinn, Kent B. Marboe, Wendell H. Myers, Elizabeth A. Passmore, Wade N. Patterson, Donald H.

Perry, John P. Price, Kathryn Carstens Scharf, Louis A. Schilke, Richard D. Seely, Fannie Shriner, Sonya Bond Tate. Robert Tresnit and Lois Settle Troxell, Grangeville, Yvonne L.

Bentley, Patricia A. Decker, Melva M. Manville, Diane M. Olmsted and Roberta Holes Thomas. Roberts, Marilyn C.

Berrett. Potlatch, Donna Davie BeVan and Gladyce Strohl Coble. Payette, Shanon Newman Bivens and Donna A. Grant. Worley, Joseph W.

Bloomsburg. Genesee, Eleanor Harland Blume. Boise, Jane Bonham, Sandra L. Compton, Nike Leo 1 Where your fashion dollar makes sense as. Teton City, J.

Brent Thomson. Rexburg, John R. Welker. Salmon, Neal E. Williams.

Kuala Lum- A. Linder. Fenn, James M. McDonald. son.

Kimberly, John D. Jansen. Meridian, Dale L. Geaudreau. Lewiston, Doyal J.

Twin Falls, William K. McDonald and Anton E. Smutny, Buhl, William M. Gilson. Fruitland, William H.

HutchinDonald W. Johnson. New Plymouth, Glen Charter Mackie. Sand point, Donald R. Miller.

Gooding, Walter C. Nelson. Boise, Thomas T. Nicholson. Craigmont, George J.

Patton. Caldwell, Edgar R. Pickett and Harry L. Hofstetter. Nampa, Dale S.

Pline. Weiser, William R. Purcell. Sterling, Tommy S. Stroschein.

Jerome, Arthur A. Swenson and Charles M. Thomas. Genesee. Charles F.

Swenson. Lewiston, Merle R. Thiessen. Filer, Byron R. Thomas.

Cottonwood, Cletus L. Von Tersch. Ashton, John H. Warnke Jr. Cambridge, Danny L.

Warfield. Bethesda, James E. Givan, Palouse, Gary L. Kendall. Flushing, N.

James F. Lockwood. Wyckoff, Melvin A. Van Dyke. Richland, Norman 0.

Warren. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Coeur d'Alene, Richard J. Anderson. Burley, Dale L. Berg.

Ketchum, Charles E. Brockway. Grand Frank R. Collett. Arco, Ralph R.

Halstead. Georgetown, Leonard C. Hayes. Moscow, James J. King and Fred W.

Read Jr. Dietrich, Gene A. Kisling. Meridian, William L. Meyer, Murtaugh, Robert E.

Sargent. Ola, Leonard F. McKinney. Post Falls, James F. Sizemore.

Tensed, Gary G. Sturman. Boise, Jack B. Taylor. Nampa, Donald L.

Whitson. Evie, Norway, Anders Andersen. Oslo, Norway, Roald Bjornland. Bronx, N. Joseph F.

Cerniglia. Anchorage, Alaska, William F. Chang. Medford, John L. Hatch.

Salt Lake City, Utah, Richard V. Iorns. Pendleton, Richard E. Johnson. Hong Kong, Tony W.

Lam. North Platte, Gary G. McMichael. Portland, Donald E. Woodward.

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering Jerome, Rodney 0. Brink and Conrad C. Chatburn. Twin Falls, Kenneth M. Chapman Richard D.

French. d'Alene, Malad, Darrell R. Christensen. Coeur Gerald C. Clodius, Gary R.

Tronson and Donald W. Wilson. Hansen, Ivan L. Crockett. Aberdeen, Delon D.

Dalke. Alameda, Thomas K. L. Edson. Davidson.

Lewiston, Nampa, Jerald Ivan S. French Jr. Buhl, Kenneth W. Hack. Burley, Harry A.

Hayco*ck. Arco, Charles R. Higgins. Heyburn, Carl E. Hymas.

American Falls, Arthur D. Klempel. Boise, David R. Laws, Roland L. Bassett and Thomas M.

Scharf. Rigby, Lowell E. Lindstrom. Shelley, Clifford E. S.

McConville Marshall. Jr. Marsing, Blackfoot, David C. Mitchell. Burley, John A.

Charles Neilson. Pocatello, Walter R. Oelwein, Russell N. Olsen, Max V. Schell and Thomas Owsley.

E. Orofino, Wilson. Jack T. Hagerman, Richardson. Herbert Troy, Floyd F.

Soderstrom. J. Oakley, Thompson. John Weiser, Franklin Fairfield, Lee R. Thurber.

Sandpoint, Laroy R. Toilbom. Idaho Falls, Leslie M. Walker. Moscow, William R.

Wall and Charles W. Wilson. Cambridge, Glenn L. and Whitaker, Gerald Rexburg, L. Darrell Whitehead.

G. Important eyelet sheath Whitehead Filer, Willard L. Wilson. Salt- Lake City, Utah, Gerry J. Behunin.

Ephrata, That unmistakable sumArnold Brauff. Vancouver, Jackie E. Brown. Hermiston, Robert Alden E. D.

mer look, cool-as-a-shadCole. Myrtle Creek, Johnson. Kuala Lampur, Malaya, Heng G. ow, embroidered cotton M. Low.

Granada Hills, Milan Moody. Bozeman, William H. eyelet batiste, fully lined Duvendack. Spokane, Edward C. Stohs Jr.

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical and crease-resistant, Engineering Nampa, Henry R. Blecha. Jerome, smart black. Joseph R. Climer and Glen E.

Grant. Boise, W. Davison, James L. Gneck- Sizes 12 to 20 ow, Walter" Smith and Charles L. Sudweeks.

Elk' River, Joseph W. Felts. Sizes to Melba, Frank D. Frisch. Rexburg, John D.

Henderson. Ashton, John B. Hoch. Idaho Richard W. Falls, Peterson.

Russell L. McCammon, Jeffery James and $25 A. Larsen. Monteview, Richard M. MarMoscow, J.

Prior. Robert M. Craigmont, Frank A. Charge accounts invited tin. Murphy.

Hansen, Chester Ramer. Lewiston, Donald J. Simpson. couver, Caldwell, William D. Michael D.

Wilkerson. Brannan. OPEN FRIDAY 'TIL VanHawaii, Newport, Thomas M. Dale G. Ikehara.

9 P.M. Falk. Kaneohe, Ellensburg, Clyde C. A. Lofdahl.

Mishawaka, Kenneth McCartney, Costa Comas. Manus. Mesa, Downey, Clarkston, Dale Edward James R. Mickey R. P.

Nielsen. Me- Me- L. Leo Van Nuys, Victor A. Paleno. SpArlo J.

Johnson, Tuten. Dennis Weiser, Richard Ross, and L. kane, Arthur D. Scholes. Hamilton, Theodore A.

Schumaker. MiltonMiller. co*kato, Rigby, Harold R. Hilker. Lewiston, Freewater, Bachelor of Science Engineering Wayne in R.

Winton. Chemical A Alvin L. Mackrill. Buhl, Joseph and R. Charles Rippee.

R. Boise, WilRonald K. Rogstad son. Lava Hot Springs, Harold E. Thom- Riverside at Post A.

Doerr, Marian Jean Dunning, MarJorie Hyatt Erstad, Kay S. Kelly, Dale E. Kennedy Marcala D. Maxwell, Paul F. Muhonen, Tonia Peterson and Geerge C.

Scharf Jr. Osburn, Evelyn B. Bratton, Walter R. Bratton and Duane E. Wilke.

Coeur d'Alene, Mova M. Casey, Sandra L. Fritz, Gertrude Carder Gosselin, Beverly Stocks RousSON, John C. Rousses and Shirley HornIng Sturts. Clarkfork, Edward B.

Clark Jr. Orofine, Fay Freeman and Jean Crory Tholisen. Emmett, Frederick H. Fuller and William Shane. Wallace, Alice L.

Giroux and Rodney E. Richeson. Nampa, Dennis M. Gray, Ralph H. Kistler and Sherry C.

Walsh, Buhl, Kala Gresky, Troy, Robert T. Hardie and Donald A. Krier. Kellogg, Zella Harris Herrett and Harold D. Litie.

Kuna, Ora G. Hill. Viola, Jamie J. Bonners Hughes. Craigmont, Thurston Inglis, Ferry, Nona R.

Jana, Myrna K. Palmer, Edward C. Schrader and Barbara F. Wheeler. Parma, Shirley A.

Kletke and Mary Kniefel. Castleford, Robert Karen L. Elk Kramer. Rathdrum, H. Kiefer, Gordon D.

Kreisher. Juliaetta, Arlene Dennier Laird. Post Falls, Laurence J. Leahy Jr. Twin Falls, George A.

MeDougall, Caldwell. Bonnie G. Miller. Kingston, Shannon L. Mitchell.

Gooding, Patricia D. Moore, Harry Olson and Patricia R. Quane. Malad City, Glen D. Morgan.

Carey, Thomas E. Olson. Mountain Home, Betty Appling Park. Headquarters, James E. Poindexter.

Eden, James M. Rathbun. Kamiah, Betty J. Rettinger. Mountain Home, Maxine Miller Rowett.

Eagle, David Shepherd. Burley, Jerry L. Smythe. Winchester, William L. Stephens.

Jerome, Terry. Wilder, Sharon Pease Thomas. Weippe, Nell Gregory Wells. Kooskia, Thomas E. Vopat.

Meridian. Nancy M. Wheeler. Samuels. Eva M.

Whitehead. Enaville, Donna Lightner Williams. New Plymouth, Norman B. Wilson. Richland, Wash.

Janice E. Berg. London, England, Richard G. Boyce. Valley City, N.

Marlene Graveen Bruhn. Moses Lake, Janice 1. Chamberlain. Owensboro, Whaylon D. Coleman.

San Mateo, Sharon S. Connaughton. Seattle, Thomas E. Croson. Davis, Jean E.

Eckert. Everett, Richard A. Gilberts. North Fork, Michael A. Haas, Newark, Kenneth S.

Hall. Beaverton, Ore. Nancy Backstrom Hutchins. Spokane, Leonard L. Lawr and Esther A.

Smith. Eloy, J. D. Lawson: Oakridge, Lula Combs Lippert. Garden Grove.

James K. McPherson. Innisfail, Alberta, Eina M. Magnusson. Dayton, Barbara 0.

Martin. Alhambra, Eugene Mecherikoff. Wyekoff, N. Ronald Osburn. Wichita, Leroy A.

Payne Jr. Indianapolis, Robert L. Prestel. Los Angeles, Penny G. Preston.

Pacific Grove, Richard Radde. Walla Walla, Freda Augustine Radermacher. Pasco, Kay K. Vinson. Lovelock, Don D.

Vogler. Washington, D. Elizabeth J. Walker. Bachelor of Science in Music Education Kellogg, Wayne J.

Benson. Salmon, Helen Furey Cannon. Grangeville, Robert E. Hazelbaker and Sanford E. Downing.

Moscow, Nettie Partner Hungerford. Malad, Lorana C. Jones. Smith's Ferry, Barbara J. Neely.

Boise, Faye Udell and Susan J. Holmes. Lewiston, William L. Woods and Cherrie Wood Tankersley. Bachelor of Science in Business Education Grangeville, Robert L.

Beardemphl. Boise, Deanna M. Geertsen and Gail Guernsey, Moscow, Walt L. and Renee M. Wallen.

Kootenal, Shirley A. Henriksson. Kamiah, Carol Wachal Holden. Coeur d'Alene, Virginia MonPatricia Kellege. Noreta D.

Smith. Wallace. R. Sparkman. Walnut Creek, Lucille Connors Strecker.

COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Bachelor of Science in Bonners Ferry, Russell D. Glenns Ferry, Kent L. Ahischlager, Theodore W. Slater, Kellogg, Pastal R. Allen, Harold L.

Damiano, Eugene E. Ellingson and Virgil L. Phelps. Moscow, William E. Anderson, Robert L.

Dorendorf, Robert H. Felton, Robert 0. Gleason, Alvin P. Johnson Jr. Law rence C.

Kary, John C. Lacy, Thomas McClure, Francis P. McCough, Ronald L. Mason. Edro W.

Miller, James R. Pavel, Harold A. Simmons, Robert D. Thomas and Joseph G. Wilson Jr.

Hazelton, James H. Baumeartner. Burley, Keith P. Bingham and Robert L. Brady, Pocatello, Richard E.

Campbell. Gooding, Arthur D. Clemons and Walter D. Clemons. Idaho Falls, Robert G.

Cowan, John T. Edwards, Donald Elk, James C. Howard. Merlin Powell and Delwyn C. Williams.

Lewiston, Darrell J. Daubert, Michael Floan and Jack J. Streiblek. Boise, William W. Deal, Mary J.

Deputy, Kent L. Dewey, Donald L. Dick, Richard Eskelin, Dennis C. Hayden, Gwin Hicks, Marcus B. Hitchco*ck Jr.

Barbara L. Holloway, Robert J. Leonard S. Oliver and June L. Robertson.

Clark Fork, James W. Deer. Twin Falls, James R. Douglass Jr. Sandpoint, Arnold J.

Eidam, Hazel N. Hunt, Leland L. Marley, Douglas F. Schedler and Bud E. Thompson.

Kamiah, Edward W. Foster. Weiser, Dean C. Gentry. Genesee.

Robert D. Parks. Coeur d'Alene, Ronald A. Hall and James V. Hawkins, Grangeville, Edward A.

John. St. Maries, Val R. Johnson. Kuna, Ronald M.

Kloepfer. Fairfield, Mul- Roy R. Lee. Reubens, Fred K. O'Brien.

Ian, Ralph J. Pribble. Nezperce, Maxine Harris Riggers. Kingston, Jamie L. Rollier.

Potlatch, George E. Sprung. Wilder, Joe Subia. Cataldo, Duane W. Watson.

Roberts, Anna C. Wells. Silver Spring, Gerald H. Allen. Calgary, Alberta, David G.

Campbell and Robert E. Vallat. San Bernardino, James B. Chrisman. Springfield, Thomas F.

Cook. Portland. Donald G. Cushing, East Paterson, N. Thorndike B.

Dame Jr. Essex, Dudley B. Homer. Devils Lake, N. Jerome G.

Johnson. Brooklyn, John J. Kessler and Michael S. Meyer. Spokane, Michael P.

Manion Arthur S. Mell, Janet L. Novak and John G. Schwenger. Minneapolis, Wayne A.

Rigg Jr. Costa Rica, Julia B. Semple. Wilbur, Willis E. Smith.

Helena, Frances E. Stockdale. Crystal Lake, Robert S. Watson. CANDIDATES FOR ADVANCED DEGREES Master of Arts Moscow, Charles B.

Flatt, Richard D. Humphrey and Michael G. McQuade. Calgary, Alberta, Raymond M. Cooke.

Souris, N. Floyd D. Fairweather. Master of Science Boise, James A. Dodds.

Moscow, Robert W. Holder, Richard W. Keith and Jay Waitz. Idaho Falls, Robert B. Kimball, William E.

and W. Walker. Blackfoot, Archie, J. Latham. Buhl, Ying Li Dallas Chao.

T. Massena, Pence. N. Laipel, Y. William Habib.

Richland, George D. French. Cairo, Egypt. Helmi S. Joanou.

South Gate, Robert V. Kester. Whittier, Ernel L. Luther. Marietta, Ohio, Joseph W.

Oppe. ton, Texas. Herbert D. Warren, Master of Science in Home Economies Moscow, Bernice Smith Davis. Master of Science In Agriculture Winchester, Rodney Bovey cow.

Charles R. Staih Ill, Coeur d' Alene, George M. Carnie, Carey, Robert C. Day. Hagerman, Garry H.

Farmer. Boise, Robert E. Higgins. Meridian, Don M. Huber.

Murtauch, Frank D. Morrison. Sandpoint, Donald Perry. Emmett, Clarence J. Peterson Jr.

Rigby, Darrell Weber, Neepawa. Manitoba, Donald H. Conrad, Collax, Carl E. Crisp. Rising City, Edward P.

Duren. Cheney, John MeDonald. Master of Science In Civil Engineering Moscow. Clifford A. Taylor.

Master of Selence In Electrical Engineering Lee Idaho M. Falls, Albert El G. Hamp. Moscow, Maxwell. Reno, David R.

Cunningham, Richland, Bill E. Dozer. Taipei, Taiwan, China, GoankY lh Niu. Advocate, Bellary India, Pyati Sudhindranath. Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering Moseow.

Glen E. Brandvold. land, Leo F. Kocher, Master of Science in Chemical Engineering Lewis G. Neal.

Taipel, Taiwan. China, Idaho Fails, Rowland E. Felt. Moscow, Cheng-Chien Hsu and Hsiang Sung Lu. Kennewick, George Rey.

Master of Science in Agricultural Engineering Worley, George Bloomsburk. MoscOW. Everett. H. Davis.

Larry G. williams and Dessie W. Works. Preston, Lynn Johnson. Pullman, Paul Fanning.

Wichita, Robert L. McFall. Master of Science In Metallurgical Engineering Moscow, William Staley Jr. Richland, Arden L. Bement Jr.

Master of Science In Geology Moscow. Billy F. Kern and Denis LeMoine. Falls, David M. Schwarze.

Grangeville, Lester O. Storey. Fostoria, Obio, Kenneth M. Hollenbaugh. Fredonia, N.

Y. Richard Kopp. Canaan, Andrew J. Nalwalk. Master of Science Forestry Moscow, George D.

Frazier, Morning Sun, Iowa, Robert B. Hill. Bottineau. N. Robert E.

Jones. Lansing. Robert J. Robel. LaGrande, Jon M.

Skovlin. Orono, Maine, Don C. Stanton. Master of Forestry Couneil, Wayne G. Foltz.

Bangkok, Thailand. Vinal Bhandhaburana and Somphong Pachotikarn. Hebe. Edward W. Bronson.

Sao Brazil, Ronaldo G. Pereira, Damascus, Syria, Mouine F. Zochet, Master of Science in Education Reubens, George A. Gould. Oswego, Gerald K.

Ainsworth. of eral that of up and will and of Worker Dies Elmer W. Tillman, 49, Priest River, Idaho, heavy construction worker, died during a visit to Spokane today. The body is at Hazen Jaeger's. He is survived by his widow, Beatrice, the home, and a daughter, Mrs.

Dean Morton of Spokane. YOUR CHANCE TO OWN -TO USE PRESTIGE STERLING 10 More Days! Offer Expires June 1 DODSON'S CLUB PLAN $26.75 SALE STARDUST $24.00 FAIRFAX FAMOUS STERLING $26.75 PLACE SETTINGS CELESTE LYRIC $22.75 Per Week 1 Place Setting .33 $26.75 2 3 Place Place Settings 1.00 WILLOW 4 Place Settings 1.33 12 Place Settings .4.00 8 Place Settings 2.67 $20.75 NO CHARGES INTEREST $24.00 Can Save You to THE VALLEY with four FREE CHEST place settings OF or more LILY $24.00 RONDO $22.75 STERLING CAMELLIA WALTER W. RICHTER, Spokane photographer, was elected first vice president of the Professional Photographers' Association of Washington, at the group's week-end meeting in Seattle. A DREAM TO LIVE WITH, "Ethan Allen" early American furniture. KEN MOORE W719 Garland.

FA SPOKANE County salon 383 of the Eight et Forty will have a meeting in the Desert host hotel tonight at 8 p. Mrs. Charles Kost, who will preside, said today. DON'T FIGHT parking meters. Park inside, off street, blks.

from city center. Garage, 2d Stevens. MA DR. 0. C.

PARKER, Foot Specialist, 204 Rookery Bldg. MA 4-2446; new VANDAL broke a window in his home with a pellet from BB gun, Forrest E. Seton, W717 Sixteenth, reported to police yesterday. BE SURE TO REGISTER for your Sewmor Sewing Machine at the Home WOBBLY old legs on furniture can be simply replaced. Six styles at DAY'S, N1221 SPOKANE Bird club will have a field trip Sunday to Four Lakes, meeting at 7 a.

m. at the Four Lakes Grange hall. Mrs. Archie Clough will be leader. EXPERT WATCH REPAIR jewelry restyling at Don Glasco*ck Jewelers, N7 Post.

YOUR ADVERTIsem*nT placed in this column will enter over 75,000 homes each day. Phone MA 4-1121, ext. JAMES BRENNAN, president of the First National bank, will speak on money and banking for fellow members of the Spokane Serra club, Catholic business and professional men's group, tomorrow noon in the Spokane hotel. REPEAT PERFORMANCE: price new group of furniture, Thrift Shop, W20 Riverside. Adv.

THEFT of a paint compressor and a spray gun valued at $400 from a house under construction at W3712 Decatur was reported to police yesterday by Paul F. Reopelle, N6250 Winston drive. 1 entire family hairEXPERT HAIRCUTS! for the cutting shop, The Records BIRTHS Born in Spokane hospitals during the 24-hour period ended at 9 a. m. Thursday, May 21, 1959: Deaconess To Mr.

and Mrs. James Rickey, Cheney, girl. To Mr. and Mrs. James Blaine, Cheney, Mr.

boy. and Mrs. Herbert Sitton, E3306 Hills court, girl. To Mr. and Mrs.

Carl Charvat, W1639 Wilson, boy. To Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Woolf. E14807 Broadway, boy, To Mr.

and Mrs. Bennie Jordan, E3011 Sanson, girl. To Mr. and Mrs. Lee Pritchard, N4503 Post, girl.

Mr. and Mrs. Chandler Noerenberg, S510 Leta, girl. St. Luke's To Mr.

and Mrs. Edwin B. White, S603 Howe, girl. To Mr. and Mrs.

Orland R. Peterson. N6020 Smith, girl. Sacred Heart To Mr. and Mrs.

Charles L. Auvil. Cheney, girl. To Mrs. James E.

Gartside and the late Mr. Gartside, S614 Woodruff, boy. To Mr. and Mrs. Robert M.

Boileau, N4204 Lincoln, girl. To Mr. and Mrs. Zane O. Coupe, S927 Park road, boy.

and Mrs. Gerald D. Broin, N3024 Stout, boy Mr. and Mrs. Simon B.

Bodner, W1402 Buckeye, girl, WORLD FAMOUS SILVERSMITHS $24.00 CHANTILLY $26.75 Phone or Mail Your Order! Pay Only 33c Per Week a Place Setting Buy as mony place settings as you wish. Choose from 75 sterling patterns by leading manufacturers. DODSON'S Fine Jewelers at 517 Riverside STRASBOURG $30.00 MELROSE $24.00 BUTTERCUP Prices are for a 4-piece place setting Place knife and fork, salad fork, teaspoon.

Spokane Chronicle from Spokane, Washington (2024)


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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

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Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.